Mission: Urge Oreo-Maker to Stop Paying for Mice to be Force-Fed Poop
offline actions
Mission: Read an Animal Rights Book and Write a Short Review
Mission: Celebrate Starbucks’ Decision to Drop Its Vegan Milk Charge!
Mission: Tell Us How Your Action Went for peta2 Points
Mission: Spread ThanksVegan Energy—Post Notes to Save Turkeys
Mission: Share ‘Toby the Turkey’ With Friends and Fam
Mission: Let Coachtopia Know It Has Blood on Its Hands
Mission: These Tags Can Save Cows, Goats, and Others
Mission: Use Free peta2 ‘Scary Season’ Phone Wallpapers
Mission: Write Off Animal Dissection—Show Others Their Right to Refuse
Mission: Watch ‘Chimp Crazy,’ HBO’s New Docuseries