Ever Feel Hopeless About Animal Rights Issues? Here’s What to Do

Even though more folks are going vegan and making compassionate choices than ever before, you may still feel stressed by the sheer number of animals who are abused and killed for experiments, food, clothing, and entertainment. 😞 As animal advocates, we see a lot of bad news about how people and big corporations destroy animals’ lives, and it can be super-overwhelming to think about. But there are things you can do to help lessen the weight of feeling hopeless. 💗💗

Use these eight suggestions to help deal with your feelings and boost your mental well-being:

1. Accept Your Feelings

Image from Unsplash for the hopeless article

It’s completely valid if the thought of a living, feeling being suffering makes you feel sad, stressed, or upset. 👌 Your empathy is central to who you are, so respect yourself for having these feelings—they’re a big part of what makes you such a strong animal advocate.

2. Celebrate Every Win

A win is a win—no matter how big or small. 🏆 If you hear that a restaurant is adding vegan dishes to its menu or that a company is switching to synthetic leather belts, that’s a reason to celebrate. 🥳 Even if the restaurant or company isn’t 100% vegan yet, its decision can still prevent chickens, cows, and other animals from suffering. That’s a win in our book. 📖

3. Make a Difference for One Animal

Image from Unsplash for the hopeless article

Making just one animal’s day better can srsly give your brain a jolt of happiness. 😊 You could take your dog for an extra-long walk, play a mentally stimulating game with your cat, or pick up trash in the park so a local squirrel doesn’t get hurt. 🐶🐱🐿️ Do you sometimes doubt whether small actions can help? Well, let’s paraphrase Dr. Seuss: To the world, you may be one being, but to one being, you may be the world.

4. Find Community

Connecting with others is one of the best things we can do for our mental health. 🤝 We naturally crave community, so try joining a group that shares your values—like peta2 or Students Opposing Speciesism! 😁 You can also look for animal rights clubs at school or online or try starting your own.

5. Talk to a Mental Health Pro

Image from Unsplash for the hopeless article

Keeping your emotions bottled up inside? ❌ Getting them out in the open? ✔️ Talking with a mental health pro about your concerns feels soooo much better than letting these thoughts just swirl around in your head. 😅 This is your chance to vent as much as you want and learn helpful tips and coping mechanisms.

6. Take a Sec to Chill

Image from Unsplash for the hopeless article

Caught in a cycle of doomscrolling? Sometimes, taking a break is exactly what your brain needs. 🧠😌 Try stepping away from your phone or computer for a bit to read a funny book, do some arts and crafts, or listen to the birds outside. Just like you need to rest after lifting heavy weights, your brain needs to rest after learning about heavy stuff. 🏋️

7. Use Your Voice

Countering hopeless feelings with strong actions can help snap you out of your funk. 💁 You can start planning a campaign launch, go on a petition-signing spree, or urge your lawmakers to support animal rights legislation. 📝 If you need a major adrenaline boost, nothing beats protesting and disrupting for animal rights with other compassionate people.

8. Practice Self-Care

Image of a cup of coffee for vegan hygge from Unsplash

As an animal advocate, you may feel super-busy taking care of everyone else—so here’s your reminder to take care of yourself, too. 🧘‍♀️ Set up a relaxing spa day, take a warm bath, wrap yourself in cozy blankets and watch a funny movie, or try other self-care techniques. It’s a fast-paced world out there, and you def deserve some time to lay low. 😇


Practicing yoga is another great way to help boost your mental health—and as a bonus, there are tons of animal-inspired yoga poses! 🐄🐈🐬 Decrease your stress levels by trying these yoga poses and learning about the animals behind their names:

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